the kati roll company paratha roti

The Kati Roll Company (Indian) – Soho

Kati Roll – the place you go to when Stax Diner is full with no other decent halal places to invade.

Now, you’re initial first reaction upon witnessing the interior “decor” might be something across the lines of: what a danky, filthy old squaller this place is. But that’s until you realise that it’s entirely by design. It’s meant to resemble a danky, filthy old squaller from the many danky, filthy old squallers you’ll find in an ultra-busy lower end part of an Indian city like Mumbai. That’s when the unique charm of this place dawns on you!

Complete with torn Bollywood posters, a rusty looking air con, and even a metal fence style roof, Kati Roll has bags of character where you’ll find yourself spending more time reminiscing over classic Bollywood films and racking your brains trying to put names to old school actors than concentrating on the food.

Deconstructing a Kati Roll

As to the Kati Rolls themselves, then the roll itself is a warm paratha – a type of buttered chappati – that’s filled with a combo of meats, vegetables, sea-foods, and cheese. Each ingredient is marinated in a blend of Indian spices, and there’s no hiding from those spices either – in yo face!

Beef Tikka Roll £4.25

There seemed to be some question as to whether this really was beef, or mutton masquerading as beef! In the end, we gave them the benefit of the doubt and concluded that it was probably cheap cuts.

Nonetheless, this was the poorest of the selection of rolls we ordered not least because it seemed somewhat pink on the inside and slightly rubbery in texture (we even feedback from one lion complaining of a masala fireworks display on the can a few hours later.

the kati roll company chicken Unda Chicken Roll with eggs

Unda Chicken Roll with eggs £4.50

The Unda (Egg) Chicken Roll was fantastic though. Well worth getting and certainly worth a revisit. Full of spices and masala that brought this roll to life. Breakfast in a roll with the addition of egg!

the kati roll company shish kebab Unda Shami Roll

Unda Shami Roll £5 or 2 for £9.50

The Unda Shami Roll wasn’t all that TBH with the meat being overly soft, yet dry. And with a distinct lack of sauce, this really didn’t work for us.

We also got the Shrimp Masala Roll which had rave reviews all round so we’d highly recommend that too.

The Kati Roll Company
3 FTL's Roar
0 Pride's Roar (0 Roars)
Alcohol/ Pork?
  • YES/ NO
Last Checked: 20/2/18
  • JINN
In all, they've kept the menu simple with nothing save those masala-oriented £5 rolls. Be warned though, you'll have a masala overload with these little babies; and little babies are literally what these are, so if you're feeling peckish, definitely go for the "two-for" deal!

It goes without saying that lions aren't rabbits, hence the distinct lack of veg rolls reviews.

Fortunately, we didn't experience the poor service others have allegedly reviewed elsewhere.
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  • This looks different. More of a breakfast bar. I will like to go but have never heard of it.

    21 Jul '15
  • I haven’t seen this place, sounds interesting, I love my paratha so will hit this up

    29 Jul '15

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