25% off Dining UK’s first home-cooked food delivery service
Dining wants to bring back the days of having a home cooked meal even if you do not have the time, skills or energy to cook yourself. – Shaheena, the Founder of Dining
It seems rhetorical to ask what one would opt for if given the choice between good wholesome home-cooked food and a run-of-the-mill takeaway.
Other than the obvious difference in quality and freshness, takeaways are readily available at the click of an app button.
And it’s this gap in the Halal sector that Shaheena is attempting to fill with her exciting new food service, Dining (www.diningeating.com).
In a fast-paced world with little time for cooking, the founder of the UK’s first home-cooked food delivery service is offering Halal diners a real alternative to those tiresome takeaways.
As such, not only is Dining an answer for those lacking in time, skills or energy to cook for themselves or others, but it’s also far healthier and, of course, more delicious.
It was this distinct lack of options, ranging from restaurant takeaways and vegetarian- or fish-based meals from local supermarkets to Halal pies and burgers, which prompted Shaheena towards this journey in the first place.
Wholesome Home-cooked Food vs. Tiresome Takeaways

“Conveniently making available good quality tasty meals, which are like home-cooked meals” – Shaheena, founder of Dining
“For the best part of a year, I ate food from restaurants, which were available on the various delivery apps, or then local takeaway food. The food was generally mediocre on top of having to pay delivery costs or buying extra food to cover the minimum delivery order.
“I found I was not enjoying the food; it wasn’t always the healthiest of options; and so the food was being wasted,” she recalls.
As with so many of us, she too missed and craved “being well fed on home-cooked food”.
After a period of meticulous research, Dining was launched 6-months ago with the aim of “conveniently making available good quality tasty meals, which are like home-cooked meals”.
Part of this careful planning was to ensure that all meals offered by Dining would be “based on home-cooked recipes, keeping to the authenticity of the cuisine and providing a flavoursome meal”.
Furthermore, Shaheena says she’s committed towards making certain that not only would there be absolutely “no additives or preservatives going into any of the meals”, but that “the freshest of ingredients are used”.
Almost as if my next door neighbour had cooked something and came to drop it off! – The London Haloodie (Halal food blogger)
Dining is, therefore, offering freshly cooked cuisines from around the world which include Indian and Thai curries, Italian pastas, as well as Mexican chicken, among other mouth-watering options.
And ordering your selection of dishes couldn’t be easier either via their secure website.
Once you’ve put in your order, the food will then be prepared and cooked fresh, before being packed in separate containers and securely sealed in special insulated boxes to maintain the required optimum temperature, and dispatched by overnight courier.
Aside from some areas in the Highlands and Ireland, Dining delivers throughout the UK, with last orders accepted by the close of the day on Thursday, and all deliveries currently being made on Tuesdays.
More importantly, Dining’s meals appear to be a hit with established food bloggers too, with The London Haloodie, for example, calling the 4-Meal Taster Box, which at £25 works out at just £7.50 per meal, as “cheaper than what [I’d] pay for a normal salad!”.
While being “blown away by the attention to detail paid to the packaging in an effort to keep the food fresh”, the Foodie declared the Thai Green Curry to be a favourite, which “was almost as if my next door neighbour had cooked something and came to drop it off!”
But here’s the good news, we’ve teamed up with Dining to offer our readers an EXCLUSIVE 25% discount via the code: ‘FTL25’, which can be applied at checkout (www.diningeating.com).
And with meals costing as little as just £5.50, which includes the aromatic Daal Curry with Rice and the traditional Italian Penne Arrabbiata, Dining are certainly putting the ‘authentic’ in home-cooked meals.
Sponsored by: Dining.