How to make the PERFECT BBQ Gourmet Burger – Chef Chris Large

We’ve all wanted to know how to make those mouthwatering gourmet burgers we’ve had the rare pleasure of tasting at certain restaurants.

And haven’t some of us gone home to try and replicate them, only to be left frustrated, confused and sorely disappointed at our efforts?

What on earth do these chefs do that makes the buns so lightly crispy on the outside, and soft and fluffy on the inside? More importantly, how do they get their patties to be so bloody tender and succulent?

The answer lies in the above video with Chef Chris Large, the same Chris Large who conceived and produced the most expensive burger ever costing in excess of a £1000, and who’s currently Group Executive Chef of Burgista Bros, who was kind enough to let us in on a few chefy secrets that’ll help mere mortals like us towards making that perfect burger, in this case, a BBQ one.

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  • If I get a burger that size, I’d be more then happy. Always a little smaller in my experience.

    2 May '16

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