Outstanding chicken burgers! Now, if only the beef was Halal (though don't forget, you can mix 'n match).

Hayes finally has it - a Halal restaurant that offers some promising burgers.

There aren't many fully Halal Mexican places in West London. This has a number of original dishes.

The national franchise introduces its latest innovation: The Chicken Ninja burger and Matcha Milkshake.

The Science of Burgology launches its gourmet burgers on East London's Ilford Lane.

Formerly Steakout, this steakhouse offers satisfyingly standard food.

When a new steakhouse opens, you can’t help, but pay it a visit (20% OFF - see inside).

Bea Vo, owner of Stax & Boondocks, will be opening her third restaurant in Camden.

Ever had a steak served in a double-decker bus? Here's your chance

An extensive menu that includes, among many others, some impressive burger and steak dishes.