With the Mayor of Brent, Cllr Ernest Ezeajughi, invited to open St Raphael’s Edible Garden.

You're chance to sponsor a family in Yemen for £100 this Ramadan.

Buy a chocolate fudge cake for £10 this Ramadan and help support Islamic Relief's Syria Appeal.

Halal takeaway Chicken Base will be openings its doors from 7pm till 9pm every week.

One is raising money for the refugee crisis; the other will be honouring International Women's Day.

Asma collaborates with charity The Lotus Flower while creating the Lotus Burger.

The Grill Steakhouse has been feeding the poor this way for the past seven years.

With proceeds being donated to help poverty-stricken orphans and children across the world.

"Day of Giving" initiative from 1.30-11pm and in conjunction with charity group Aid Convoy.

Duchess of Sussex supports charity cookbook to help raise £250K for community kitchen.